"An excellent and practical step-by-step manual to help prepare you for the cruising lifestyle and to entertain you as you learn."
Cruising World
"Not only must-reading for anyone planning to live aboard, it also is a valuable resource for weekend and vacation cruisers….an entirely engaging and insightful volume."
Rhode Island Boating
"This book will become a bible for those getting ready to take the plunge."
Bernadette Bernon, Editor of Cruising World
Tom Neale and his wife Mel gave up their suburban home and careers to move aboard their Gulfstar Sailmaster 47 Chez Nous in 1979. Since then, they've raised two daughters aboard while cruising nearly 5,000 miles a year. Tom is a former Cruising World Magazine columnist and editor at large, and is now editor at large for PassageMaker Magazine and columnist for BoatUS. Mel is Cruising Editor for The Waterway Guide
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